Monday, April 28, 2014

Moved to Fort Worth. I am really enjoying it so far! Austin was fantastic, but there are a lot of really cool things that go down in Fort Worth! First Friday on the Green is pretty cool; there are a lot of vendors and cool music.... AND A LOT OF DOGS!! Next time I am totally going to have to bring my two pups! Rahr & Sons Brewery opens their brewery to the public on Wednesday and Saturdays. You pay $10 and you get 3 beers and a half of a test beer that they are trying out. You also get a pint glass. Great deal, lots of fun!

Also, Fort Worth has white fire trucks. Not red. I thought it was so bizarre. But here is the history behind it:
In 1904 they gave one of their fire trucks a special white paint job for a contest at the State Fair of Texas. Everyone liked it so much the department repainted all the rigs white.

Go figure, right?

Anywho, happy to be here in Fort Worth. Awesome, fun, laid-back town.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Well, hello there

Website is currently under construction, but feel free to check out my resume, the bit of my portfolio that is available, and the short about me pages. I will continue in the pursuit of making this site amazing!!

Until then....